Wednesday, March 2

Happy Birthday, JB

So, yesterday was Justin Bieber's 17th birthday.  In honor of this,  I wanted to write a little nugget about his hair.

I have been asking myself this question for quite some time: When is JB going to cut his hair?  We all know that he's famous for it.  It's been rapped about, tweeted about, joked about - even Tom Brady was compared to him this past season.  So why would he cut it, right?  It obviously gives him publicity, and people love to love it or love to hate it.

The truth is - he has to cut it.  One day, he will have to get a new hairstyle.  It's inevitable. Stars change their hair all the time.  But JB's hair cut has to be timed perfectly.  I'm sure his publicist already has it all figured out.  Or maybe Usher is calling the shots.  Either way, it will have to come when Justin's just about to lose the hype - when the Bieber Fever is teetering on the edge of subsiding.  Or, perhaps, it will come when his new album comes out?

But WAIT!  He did cut  it. Bieber beat me to the blog!  He already cut his hair.  And in my opinion, it looks weird.  But maybe that's just because I'm used to seeing him the old way. It will definitely take some time to get used to it.  So now that it's cut - I have to ask...why now?  Did he sense a dip in popularity?  Did he need to change in order to prove that he's no longer a little boy?  Was he not satisfied with his Grammy performance?  These are all questions that remain unanswered.  But one thing is for sure - "Baby" is still the greatest song of the past five years. And I stand by that.  Thanks, JB.

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