Thursday, March 24

Though it's a bit belated, here's a springtime poem to brighten everyone's still wintry days!
The bird has come // El pajaro ha venido
to bring light to birth. // a dar la luz
From every trill of his, //de cada trino suyo
water is born. //nace el agua.
And between water and light which unwind the air, // Y entre agua y luz que el aire desarrollan
now the spring is inaugurated, // ya esta la primavera inaugurada,
now the seed is aware of its own growing; // ya sabe la semilla que ha crecido,
the root takes shape in the corolla, // la raiz se retrata en la corola,
and the eyelids of the pollen open. // se abren por fin los parpados del polen.
All this accomplished by a simple bird // Todo lo hizo un pajaro sencillo
from his perch on a green branch. // desde una rama verde.
Spring, Pablo Neruda

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